
Glass Evacuated Tube

As the key component for solar collectors, our all glass evacuated tube is similar to aconventional Dewar flask. This product is composed of two borosilicate glass tubes withhigh chemical and thermal shock resistance. The outer side of the inner tube is coatedwith a sputtered solar selective layer

Heat Pipe

The heat pipe is a tube with internal vacuum and certain working medium, which is aheat superconductor. lts heat transfer rate is 1000 times that of silver. Compared withthe general all glass vacuum tube, the heat pipe has more advantages like high heatingspeed,no scale formation, glass breakage prevention

Inner Focusing Film Tube

The absorption layer of inner tube outer surface will absorb solar energy and transfer itinto heat. The heat will be transferred to the medium inside the tube. The medium thentransfers the heat outside the tube to meet the water heating requirements.

Glass Heat Pipe

When the sun shines, the selective absorptive coating on the surface of inner tubetransfers solar energy into heat energy, then the medium is heated into vapor, the vaporruns fast to the condensation end with very high speed and is condensed into liquid,thus heat is released and transferred to water in the tank.

Tubes for solar Kitchen

This tube is exclusively used on Himin's patented portable solar oven, also known as asolar carriable, After 2 vears of research, Himin developed this brand new solarproducts that integrates solar powered baking